At Metagination, we embrace all knowledge in a wide variety of fields and continuously strive for the acquisition of multi-disciplinary know-how and skills. Finding new and innovative niches is often achieved through combining know-how from disparate fields to provide elegant solutions often overlooked by domain specialists.

In history, Renaissance men such as Leonardo da Vinci, were multi-disciplinary yet highly specialized in a number of fields. They were versed in different languages which allowed them to study and navigate the rich cultural experience and social structures of many countries and cultures and learn of their technology and works of art. This cocktail of versatility and skill has led to the most extraordinary inventions and achievements, as well as to great and marvelous works of art.

Metagination holds this Renaissance Attitude at its core which is reflected in our team of polyglot and polymath team members. That is what a multi-disciplinary Niche Developer needs.

Gathering know-how and market intelligence is therefore an important part of our activities. Participating in fairs, conventions, presentations or company visits or searching the internet brings in know-how that we store, protect and use to develop new ideas and invent new ways or approaches to solve certain problems.

Organizing retreats or submerging people in new experiences, think-tanks and brainstorming sessions, research, building proof of concepts, attend courses and hands-on training are the foundation of bringing forth new niches or inventions. This requires investments often only profitable in the long-run or sometimes not at all. In the case of both wins and losses, the investments contribute to the melting pot that is our brain and will at some point help in giving birth to highly leveraged products or inventions.

The ability to develop ideas over an extended period of time is lost to today’s corporate culture as mounting pressures to focus on short-term profits and time to market by investors does not allow most enterprises to engage in these activities anymore. Metagination can, through our investments, offer corporations the concepts, markets and shorter time to market, allowing them to leverage their investments using their large financial strength with reduced risk to be among the first present in emerging markets or strengthen their competitive position in existing markets.